Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Ten ways to keep pets safe in freezing cold temperatures


Provide Adequate Shelter:

Ensure your pet has a warm and dry shelter. If they stay outdoors, make sure it is well-insulated and elevated to avoid cold surfaces.


Use Pet-Friendly Heating Devices:

If your pet spends time in a garage or other enclosed space, use pet-friendly heating pads or warming devices to provide extra warmth.

Limit Outdoor Exposure:

Minimize outdoor time during extreme cold weather, especially for pets not adapted to cold climates.

Bundle Up:

For short-haired or small breeds, consider using pet sweaters or jackets to provide additional insulation during walks or outdoor activities.

Protect Paws:

Apply pet-friendly paw wax or use pet booties to protect your pet's paws from ice, salt, and chemicals used for de-icing roads and sidewalks.

Monitor Outdoor Water Sources:

Ensure your pet has access to unfrozen water. Check water bowls frequently, and consider using heated bowls to prevent freezing.

Adjust Diet:

In colder temperatures, pets may burn more calories to stay warm. Consult with your veterinarian to adjust their diet accordingly.

Groom Regularly:

Maintain your pet's coat in good condition. A well-groomed coat provides better insulation.

Keep Them Leashed:

Keep dogs on a leash in snowy or icy conditions. Visibility might be reduced, and they could lose their scent trail, increasing the risk of getting lost.

Be Mindful of Antifreeze:

Antifreeze is toxic to pets, and it has a sweet taste that may attract them. Keep it out of reach and promptly clean up any spills.


